Photography Challenge

Photography Challenge | Personal | My Why


Week 1: A Self-Portrait - My "Why" as a Photographer 

As an artist + an entrepreneur, it is incredibly important that we understand why we do what we do.  It sounds simple, but stopping to think about why I want to spend my days as a photographer ultimately gives me all the tools that I need to deliver the best possible experience to my clients + have a fulfilling creative career. As artists, we know this definition will change over time as we grow and develop, but there is only one way to find out and it begins with simply STARTING SOMEWHERE.  

The truth is, I've been afraid to blog personally over the past several months in fear that people wouldn't understand; that my thoughts would appear foolish to others.  This incredibly powerful emotion of fear has prevented so many people (like me) from doing amazing things and I can't stand being in that place anymore.  So here goes; enjoy my "Why" as a photographer and if you're ready to move beyond fear and live a life that you've only ever dreamed of, I'd love to hear about it! Please contact me and let's do this together :)

I love authentic marriage; not a marriage about wedding details, the dress or party favors (don't get me wrong, those things are amazing and I LOVE photographing them), I value the INTENT behind those favors.  I adore couples who love each other through thick and thin; but also want to create a beautiful experience for all of their guests.  I want to meet you; I want to hear ALL about your relationship and your marriage. If this sounds like you, I would be honored to document the beginning of the most incredible years of your life. 

I'm starting a photography challenge over the next year. To grow. To dream. To learn more about the art of mastering light.  Join along with me: I'd love to follow your journey! || #dogwood52
